Pillars of Happiness for Women Over 40

Pillars of Happiness for Women Over 40

The Pillars of Happiness: 5 Tips to Thrive in Midlife 

What does happiness mean to you? Have you even thought about it lately? I feel that we’re always just chasing our tails through life, or if you’re me, skating precariously, arms windmilling, just trying to hold my balance.  

As we get older, the pursuit of happiness often takes on new meanings and priorities. I find particularly for women in midlife, this time can be one of reflection, growth, and redefining what it means to be truly happy – that’s of course if you can find the time to think about it…  


 1. Health and Wellness: The Foundation of Happiness 

As the saying goes, "Health is wealth," and this couldn’t be more true as we age. Our physical and mental well-being form the foundation of happiness, enabling us to enjoy life to the fullest. 

Physical Health: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep become even more crucial as we age. Do what makes you happy, but just do it! Activities like walking, yoga, or swimming can help maintain energy levels and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses. But if you love running to clear your head, do it. If you love dancing, put on that favourite song (and embarrass your kids), and if you love pole-dancing (YASSS), then DO IT. The most important thing is to get your body moving every day.  

Mental Health: Mental wellness is just as important as physical health. They work hand in hand. Moving your body is number one for improving mental health, as the feel-good endorphins will make a huge difference. Practices such as meditation, journaling, and mindfulness will also help manage stress, improve focus, and enhance emotional resilience.  

I know if you haven’t had a meditation or mindfulness practice it can seem daunting. But the tip is to start small. Go for a walk and simply notice what’s happening around you (rather than listening to music or a podcast), sitting quietly for 5 minutes counting your breath, or listening to a short meditation.  

Here’s one I listen to each morning. Quick, non-scary 5-10 minute meditations. There’s no excuse not to fit this in.  


 2. Meaningful Relationships: The Power of Connection 

Us human beings are inherently social, and the relationships we nurture play a significant role in our happiness. For women in midlife, this is often a time to evaluate the quality of these connections. Sometimes we prune, sometimes we grow. Either is perfectly ok. Making sure you make time for the people who matter most is what counts. After all, we don’t have time to waste on people that drag us down. Focus your energy on those that give you joy and energy. It could be a phone call, a family dinner or a walk with your bestie.  

Family and Friends: Whether it’s close family ties, long-term friendships, or newly formed connections, these relationships provide emotional support, love, and a sense of belonging. 

Community: Being part of a community, whether through volunteer work, social groups, or local events, can foster a deeper sense of purpose and connectedness. Even the dog park. Start small, and be open to what may happen.  

 3. Purpose and Fulfillment: Redefining Success 

You may have noticed that as you’ve grown older, your sense of purpose may have evolved. What once defined success in your younger years may no longer resonate, and that’s okay. This is an opportunity to explore what truly fulfills you. 

My purpose for the last 10 years has been helping my children grow, but now that’s starting to change. Your purpose doesn’t have to be changing the world, but what drives you each day (FYI my kids are still important to me). 

Have a think about what success means to you now. Has it changed? Think about how important career achievement, personal growth or helping others help defines your success now.  

Career and Hobbies: Whether you’re continuing in your career, shifting to new pursuits, or focusing on hobbies, finding purpose in what you do is key. Consider what brings you joy and a sense of accomplishment, and invest time in those activities. 

Contribution to Society: See above! Many women find fulfillment in giving back. Volunteering, mentoring, or engaging in community projects can offer a renewed sense of purpose and impact. 


 4. Lifelong Learning: The Joy of Growth 

Learning doesn’t stop as we age. In fact, continuous growth can be a source of immense satisfaction and happiness. Not to mention keeping our brains active helps with brain fog and keeping us sharp as we age.  

Personal Development: Whether through formal education, reading, or exploring new interests, lifelong learning keeps the mind sharp and opens up new possibilities.  

Have you tried Dua Lingo? A new activity? I started dancing lessons and learning Japanese. I gave up Japanese…but kept dancing.  

I’m also a bit of a biology nerd, so love my delivery of National Geographic. It gives me something to read and learn that is completely different to my every day.  

Adaptability: Embracing change and learning new skills can make life’s transitions smoother and more rewarding as you’re less afraid to try or do something new. Go on, get out of your comfort zone.  


 5. Gratitude and Positivity: Cultivating a Joyful Mindset

    A positive mindset and the practice of gratitude can significantly influence your overall happiness. It sounds simple, but once you start you will see the power in your thinking.  

    Gratitude: Regularly reflecting on what you’re thankful for can shift your focus from life’s challenges to its blessings. A simple change in the way you choose to use words gives a fundamental shift in your outlook…which leads to… 

    Positivity: Cultivating a positive outlook, even in difficult times, can enhance your resilience and overall happiness. I always say we wake up every morning and make a choice. You can marinate in your thoughts, or clean them out and start afresh.  

    A great way to do this is a simple journal.  

    If you’re curious about journaling, but don’t know where to start, here’s my other recommendation. The five-minute Journal. Give yourself five minutes a day to give gratitude and notice the improvement in your mood. I purchased mine on Amazon.  
