Stronger, Longer, Happier: The Protein Prescription for Women Over 40

Stronger, Longer, Happier: The Protein Prescription for Women Over 40

The importance of Protein for Women Over 40 It's time to talk about protein and why it’s important for staying strong, vibrant, and unstoppable as you move through your 40’s. You see, as we (gracefully)...
Pillars of Happiness for Women Over 40

Pillars of Happiness for Women Over 40

The Pillars of Happiness: 5 Tips to Thrive in Midlife  What does happiness mean to you? Have you even thought about it lately? I feel that we’re always just chasing our tails through life, or...
5 Yoga Poses To Help With Hormone Balance

5 Yoga Poses To Help With Hormone Balance

When it comes to hormone balance, yoga can be one of the feathers in your cap to support overall well-being. Even if you don’t have a regular yoga practice, practicing a few key poses can...
Get Social – There’s never a more important time to be social.

Get Social – There’s never a more important time to be social.

We bet that you (like us) are juggling and simply hoping for a bit of peace and quiet occasionally… a hot cup of tea, the sacred sound of silence and nothing more. We get it....
Embracing Empowerment: Why I became a pole dancer at 49

Embracing Empowerment: Why I became a pole dancer at 49

Lisa gives her view on pole dancing and why it could be your best new fitness friend for over 40.
woman taking selfie in active wear and cap

Guest Goddess: Penny Walsh on the benefits of outdoor training

Now that spring has sprung, it's time to venture out of your trackies and get outside. Penny Walsh's top 10 benefits of Outdoor training are right here. 
feet up in air with silver shoes on blue background


Why we have aches in our 40's, and what we can do to help