The Health Checks you need in your 40’s.

The Health Checks you need in your 40’s.

This is a decade when many of the life choices you make start to catch up, particularly as your hormones start to change, so it’s important to really understand your body, and make any lifestyle...
Clearing the Cloud: Understanding Brain Fog During Perimenopause

Clearing the Cloud: Understanding Brain Fog During Perimenopause

If you’re over 40 and female, chances are you’re using post-it notes to get through each day. Whether it's remembering to pick up some milk, feed the dog or pick up the kids, some things...
woman doing up button on jeans

The Cortisol Connection - Abdominal Weight Gain + Stress

Written by Laura Jennings - Deakin Researcher and Registered Nutritionist One of the most talked about, but not-so-fun side of hitting our 40s – is what I like to call… the stress-belly. That stubborn pouch...
Hormonal Shifts In Perimenopause: Steps You Can Take To Harness Your Health Naturally

Hormonal Shifts In Perimenopause: Steps You Can Take To Harness Your Health Naturally

Take me to: How do our hormones change in ‘Perimenopause’? How Do Hormonal Changes Impact My Skin? But the big question…How Can We Combat Perimenopausal Symptoms Naturally? Ahhhh womanhood. We feel the anticipation of our...
Woman holding head with hair hanging over face

Hormone Focus: Low Progesterone

Find out what happens when our progesterone levels drop during perimenopause.
collection of mini perfume bottles and star anise pod

How Chemical Perfumes May Affect Hormonal Balance in Women Over 40

Why Natural perfumes can be so beneficial for you, especially once you reach the glorious 40's. We chat to our friends at Sensor.I.Am, who are experts in natural perfumes and their benefits.
cat crawling through bird house

Stubborn bowels? Navigating constipation.

Another one to add to the list. Navigating constipation and stubborn bowels.
group of women dressed as super heroes

Chasteberry: Hormone balance for your inner superwoman

Chasteberry, also known as Vita Agnus-castus, is an incredible fruit for balancing hormonal fluctuations.
two women screaming on roller coaster

Hormone Focus: Progesterone

You’ve heard all about Oestrogen and how it fluctuates during your midlife years. Other hormones produced by your ovaries - progesterone and testosterone also change around the same time.  Our focus today is on progesterone....